Saturday, September 5, 2009

Assassin's Creed II - Gameplay Trailer (HD 720p)

7 Magic Words Of My Advertising World

When I was thinks about ads and about IT (especially Computer) have always in my mind a magic word. At means time I have ask a question with myself what magic there?
When I have join my Graduation I have seen Computer magic word but at that time I have do not which world is coming soon in my life in few year(Have done master In advertising).Hey friends you know very well I am going to talk about my advertising world . Advertising has magic words too.
Here I have learn seven world, these words play like magic words in my life .These words are..

• You
• Instant
• Guarantee
• Fast
• Easy
• Free
• Now

Inject these words into your ad, assuming it makes sense to do.

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