Wednesday, September 9, 2009

aren’t Animated

aren’t Animated
On first look of these Vodafone “zoozoos” which are targeted to Indian premier League, TV ads may be similar to as like as animated cartoon characters with an alien look like or a stupid egg-head character with disproportional modeling of these character like (zoo) in hair and black dots for eyes and mouth this also look like a child art but not this its creating a history in Indian advertising world like Amul girl and also they speak some chip-chop unclear voice tone so its very near to alien or zoo animal sound which we never recognized only we feel that .
This “zoozoo” character is not like as they seen in video ad, its are being created by O&M for Vodafone, one of top most advertising agency in India. These ads are created by O& M to positioning Vodafone different type of value added services offer by Vodafone including phone backup, cricket alerts, etc.
This was very interesting and an purely Indian idea that have created a new dimension of Indian advertisement world history. In this campaign character are associated with simple life style, speak insane and impenetrable languages and try to exact move to human simple and very genuine emotions to day to day life.
But You know what’s the most interesting part of this ad “zoozoo” the character are not animated have you get shock, it simply happen with me also when I read making up about this ad after seeing and reading using some resources my confusion over right now through read more about that ad making up using internet resources :
I read in this ad the character role play by the “South African women” the women are bailey dancer and they are very slim , and second I also get information about that in these character role play be the “South African Child who are not getting daily food mile and suffer with Starvation and last but not least I think, third one which all of know about that these are the animated character.
The interesting news about I m going to say I have get to the most popular advertising new site Agency Faqs in “zoozoo” actually these are not animated character but they are local Mumbai theaters slim women actresses, dressed with white costumes that are overstuffed with foam to make the new Indian ad model character.
Prakash Varma, who directed these Vodafone “zoozoo” TV commercials, told Afaqs that they only had women and occasionally children – as their main casting and have to keeps their hands and legs extra thin of the “zoozoo” characters.
Such is the craze in these days with “zoozoo” that Vodafone TV Commercial which are also popular in Internet world this Vodafone commercial ads have such much and more target audience on internet world this is most watched Indian video commercial ad on YouTube and also get popularity in social networking site such in Facebook. Have 50,0000, “zoozoo” fan list it’s a huge fan list even.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Assassin's Creed II - Gameplay Trailer (HD 720p)

7 Magic Words Of My Advertising World

When I was thinks about ads and about IT (especially Computer) have always in my mind a magic word. At means time I have ask a question with myself what magic there?
When I have join my Graduation I have seen Computer magic word but at that time I have do not which world is coming soon in my life in few year(Have done master In advertising).Hey friends you know very well I am going to talk about my advertising world . Advertising has magic words too.
Here I have learn seven world, these words play like magic words in my life .These words are..

• You
• Instant
• Guarantee
• Fast
• Easy
• Free
• Now

Inject these words into your ad, assuming it makes sense to do.

Online Video advertising scenario to FMCG brands

Brands’ FMCG are more and more cataloguing on to online/internet advertising.. According to the WebChutney Digital Media Outlook Report 2009, the present online spends of the FMCG group, which are stands at around Rs16 crore, is predictable to boost to almost Rs 72 crore in 2009-10, a gigantic 353 % fly.
For extensive FMCG brands have been using the TV and Print media, and even if these mediums still escort the pack, the use of online & Internet advertising is also progressively more on the get higher. For example, Coca-Cola India in August 2009 launched its movement for Sprite first on the Internet and riches targeted user quickly. Pepsi, ITC Group, and Colgate Palmolive are some more other FMCG brands they have also begun online/ Internet advertising in a gigantic way. In fact, the second half of 2008 saw Pepsi gradually more obtain to online/Internet advertising and promotional activity.