Sunday, April 10, 2011

Maa MahaGauri Pooja on Ashtami in Navratri Festival

Maa Durga is worshiped as Maa Mahagauri on eighth Navratri. Mahagauri is the eight form of Goddess Shakti. Her color is white. Whiteners is shown by shell, moon etc. Mahagauri means one clean and bright like a ray of lightning.

This is the form of Goddess Parvati when she did penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband. It is believed that due to the intense Tapas performed by her without moving caused soil and dust to collect on her body. Lord Shiva cleaned her with water from Ganga that’s why she get whiteners as shine & got the name as Maha Gauri.Purity is depicted in this form of Durga.

The Goddess is in the form of eight-year old child with complexion as fair as a conch, moon and jasmine. Her clothes and ornaments are white and pure. She has three eyes and four arms. Her right upper hand is in the pose of allaying fear and right lower hand holds a trident in it. The left upper hand holds a tambourine and the lower one is in the pose of blessing. All sins of devotees are washed away due to her worship. Her power is unfailing and instantly fruitful.

The eighth day of Navratri Pooja has much importance. Durga Ashtami Puja is held in many parts of India. If human worship after fast he/she gets fruits immediately. In front of Portrait of Goddess Mother as in front of Parvati Mata in Lord Shiva temple one can worship Maa MahaGauri. She appeared in the form of Maa Ambaji, Maa Kalika, Maa Bahucharaji etc.

She stays in devotes heart & gives best fruits if we worship any farm. Wearing Red,Saffron,Yellow,White,Pink color would be auspicious for the devotees on this day. Maa Mahagauri can be seen in a temple at Kankhal near pilgrim center Haridwar, India

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Maa Kalaratri – The Worship of the Fiercest Forms of Godess Durga on 7th Navratri

Maa Kalaratri is the seventh Shakti of Maa Durga. The seventh day of Navratri pooja is dedicated to Durga Kalratri. This is the most violent form of Godess Durga. Kalaratri is the one of the fiercest forms of Durga and her appearance itself evokes fear. This form of Goddess is believed to be the destroyer of all demon entities.
Kalaratri means the One who is “the Death of Kaal”. Here Kaal is dedicated as time & death. Kalaratri is the one who destroys ignorance and removes darkness. This form primarily depicts that life also has dark side – the violent Mother Nature and creates havoc and removes all dirt. She is also known as Shubhankari.In this form Goddess Kalratri killed Raktabeej. Raktabeej was a demon who could multiply from every drop of his blood which fell on the ground. The Goddess Kaalratri killed him by licking the blood before it could reach the ground and hence conquered him. She endows her devotees with calm and courage.

The complexion of Maa Kalaratri is like dark night with bountiful hair and has four hands. The left two hands holds a cleaver and a torch, and the right two are in the mudras of “giving” and “protecting”. She has necklace is so shining like thunder. She has three eyes which emanate rays like lightning. Flames appear through her nostrils when she inhales or exhales air. Her mount is donkey. Blue,Red, White color should be used to wear on this day.
Appearance of Maa Kalratri is very dangerous. But she always gives good fruits. So devoters should not get afraid of her. Her worship on 7th day of Navratri has very much importavnce to yogies & sadhak. Yogis & sadhaks penance on Shahtra Chakra on this day. For the worshipers on this day door opens of every siddhi in universe.

Just by remembering Maa ghost ran away. If any negative effect is arising due to a planets than by worshiping on this day bad effects vanishes. Any type of fear goes away. Subhankari Mata always give ‘Subh’ good fruits. True faith restraint & concentration is necessary for worship.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Maa Katyayani – Sixth Navdurga Worshiped in Navratri Durga Pooja

Maa Katyayani is the sixth form of Maa Durga. So the sixth day of Navratri is dedicated to Durga Katyayani. She is called Katyayani because she was born as the daughter of Sage Katya of Katya clan. Sage Katyayan performed very hard penance of Maa Bhagvati. It was his wish that Maa Durga born as his daughter. The Goddess acceded to his request. Meanwhile, army of the powerful demon Mahishasura, who could only be killed by a warrior Goddess, had reached heaven to overthrow the Gods from their abode. The trinity of Gods – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, got infuriated and they created the Goddess Durga, who was a culmination of the powers of all deities. Sage Katyayana had the first privilege to worship her, so she was also named Katyayani.
Another myth goes by that she was born to Katyayana as his daughter on the 14th dark of the month Asvina. Katyayana worshiped her for three days, 7th, 8th and 9th of the bright fortnight in the same month and killed Mahishasur on Vijayadasami. Her worship done with devotion and faith leads to four objects – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

This is the daughter form of Durga. Here is she a loving daughter. She is epitome of love but won’t hesitate to rise up in anger to defend righteousness and Dharma. It is believed that Maa Katyayani persistently battles against the evil and deceitful entities.

She has three eyes and four arms. One left hand holds a weapon and the other a lotus. The other two hands respectively display defending and granting gestures. Her skin appears golden in color. Her mount is a lion.

To get God Krishna as a husband gopis worship Maa Katyayani in Vraj. So she is established as the Queen of Vraj. There is a very famous temple in Delhi (Chhattarpur) of Maa. This shrine is dedicated to Goddess Katyayani, whose “darshan” can be availed only on “Ashtami” falling in every month. Otherwise, the “darshan” of Goddess Katyayani can be made throughout the days of ‘Navratri’. The golden image of Katyayani attracts the attention of devotees with its huge size and sheer divinity.

The worship of Maa Durga as Goddess Katyayani on 6th day of Navratri has its very importance. Yogis & Sadhaks penance on Agya Chakra on this day. Human offer everything to Maa while worshiping on this day. She gives blessing to her devotee. Red & white color should be used to wear on this day.

Maa Skandamata – Fifth Manifestation of Devi Durga

The fifth manifestation of Devi Durga is known as Maa Skandamata. She is fifth among Nava Durgas, thats why she is worshiped on the fifth Navratri. Devi Maa is the mother of Kumara Skanda or Kumara Kartikeya also called Lord Murugan in south India. Kumar Skanda was chosen by Gods as their commander in “Deva-Sura Sangram” (the war of gods & demons) against the demons. Lord Murugan’s glory has been narrated in the Puranas and he is referred to as Kumara and Saktidhar. His vehicle being peacock he is also called Mayuravahana.
Thus being the mother of Skanda she is Skandamata. Worshipping Skandamata has on the fifth day of Navaratra has very iportace for Yogis & Sadhaks . This day devotee’s mind reaches Visuddha Cakra and stays therein. In her image the Lord Skanda in his infant form is always found. She holds him in her lap.

Using a lion as a vehicle, Mother Goddess has four arms & three eyes. She holds Lord Skanda in her right upper arm and a lotus flower in her right lower hand, which is slightly raised upward. The left upper arm is in a pose to grant boon and in left lower hand, which is raised, she again holds lotus. She is Golden color. She is seated on lotus flower so she is called Padmasana.

The scriptures are very eloquent in glorifying the fifth day of Navaratra period. As the mind of the aspirant, on this day, is in the Visuddha Cakra. So all his actions internal as well as external completely stop and the mind bereft of all thought-waves, is calm like a wave less ocean. It would be advancing towards the state of pure consciousness. It is completely submerged in the meditation of Mother Padmasana, quite devoid of worldly thoughts or coats of Maya. It is time when the aspirant should be most careful and cautious on the path of his Sadhana.
By worshiping the goddess in the form of Skandamata, the devotee gets all his desires fulfilled. He starts tasting the Supreme joy even in this very mortal world. The gateway for salvation to him is spontaneously opened. Her worship automatically includes the worship of Lord Skanda in his child form. Only she has got this pride of place. So the sadhak should particularly be attentive to her worship. Being the presiding deity of sun god, she bestows an uncommon luster and radiance on her devotee. He is always surrounded by an invisible divine halo, which always maintains his ‘Yoga-Ksema’.

Therefore, we should try very sincerely to take refuge under her. There is no better way to moksha from this world.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Maa Kushmanda – The Fourth Aspect of Navadurgas

Maa Kushmanda is the fourth aspect of Navadurga Goddesses. Devi Maa is worshiped on fourth day during Durga Pooja in Navratri. Mother Goddess create the whole universe in shpae of an egg called “Anda” wth her little & light divine smile, so that Maa Durga is named Kushmanda.

The word Kushmanda is made of three other words that are “Ku + Ushma + Amnda= Kushmanda”. Here “Ku” is “Little”, “Ushma” is “Warmth or Energy” & “Anda” is “Egg” , means the one who create the universe as “Little Cosmic Egg” with the energy of Her divine smile is called “Kushmanda”. Goddess Durga is very happy in this incarnation and it is believed that when there is no existence of any creation or universe & there was the eternal darkness, which ended when Maa Kushmanda smiled. So that Maa Kushmanda is known as the creator the whole universe. Maa Kushmanda is also named as “Adi Shakti”. The core of Suraymandala (Sun) is the residence of Devi Maa. She is the only one who has the power & strength to live in the core of Suryaloka (Sun). Her body shines like the glowing Sun. All directions get light from Her Divine smile including the Sun God itself. Maa Kushmanda also known as “Ashtabhuja” as she is often depicted as having eight arms. In her seven hands she holds Kamandalu, Bow, Arrow, Lotus, a Jar of Nectar, Discus, and Mace. In her eighth hand she holds a rosary capable of giving eight Siddhis and nine Niddhis. She rides a lion who represents “Dharma”. On worshiping Her ailments and sorrows are eliminated and life span, name, strength and health improved.
The pooja of Devi Kushmanda on the fourth day of Navratri in Durga Pooja having very importance. On this day, Yogis & Sadhaks or other dedicated devotees keep their mind in Anahata Chakra. Kushmanda represents Anahata Chakra in spiritual practice. Kushmanda pooja during Navratri increases one’s health and strength.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maa Chandraghanta – Third form of Maa Durga Worshiped on 3rd Navratri

Maa Chandraghanta is the third Shakti of Maa Durga. Maa Chandraghanta is worshiped on the third day of Navrti Pooja. Those who worship Devi Chandraghanta get eternal strength and be blessed by Devi Maa to be happy through out one’s life.

Maa Chandraghanta is one Who establishes justice and wears crescent moon on Her head. Because of this bell shaped mark of moon which is present on the fore head of Maa Chandraghanta, Maa is known as Chandraghanta. The colour of her body is golden, she rides on lion who descrides “dharma”, possesses ten hands and three eyes, eight of Her hands display weapons while the remaining two are respectively in the mudras of gestures of boon giving and stopping harm. Devi Maa is posed as to be ready for war. “Chandra Ghanta”  meaning supreme bliss and knowledge, showering peace and serenity, like cool breeze in a moonlit night. By her blessings all the hindrances coming in way of a person are removed. Her pleasant looks clears all sorrows and sadness of her devotees. Her roaring voice alerts and makes the Demons to tremble.

In Durga Pooja the third day of Navratri is very important in Navaratri. This day the mind of the sadhak enters Manipura Cakra. At this stage by the grace of Maa Chandraghanta he becomes capable of seeing unearthly and divine things. He smells the divine fragrance and many types of divine sound become audible to him. On this day and in this stage of discipline the sadhak is required to be most careful.

By the grace of Mother Chandraghanta all sins of the sadhak (striver) are burnt up and obstacles removed. Her worship is instantly fruitful. She is always in a gesture as if ready to proceed for the battlefield and thus she removes the difficulties of devotees very promptly. Her vehicle is lion and so her worshiper becomes valorous and fearless like a lion. The sound of her bell always protects her devotees from evil spirits. As soon as the sadhak invokes her, her bell immediately becomes active and starts ringing to protect the devotee under her shelter.
Even though she keeps her always busy in killing and suppressing the wicked, yet to her devotees and worshipers she looks most serene, gentle and peaceful. A very good quality that is developed in her devotees who worship her, is-the striver cultivates bravery and fearlessness accompanied by serenity and humility. His face, eyes and the entire body gets effulgent. His voice becomes divinely sweet. Wherever the devotee worshiper of mother Chandraghanta go, they disperse peace and blessings among the people. From the body of such a striver there always takes place an invisible radiation of divinely lighted atoms. This divine action is beyond the perceiving capacity of physical eyes but the striver himself and his associates go on experiencing this fact every now and then. By purifying his mind, words, deeds and body through prescribed manner we should worship the mother Chandraghanta and take shelter under her feet. Through worshiping her we can get rid of all worldly sorrows, and attain the supreme goal spontaneously. We should always try to advance on the path of spiritual discipline by contemplating on the sacred image of the mother. Contemplating on her, we can attain the mundane perfection and ultimate good in the other world.

Maa Brahmacharini – The Second Manifestation of Maa Durga

Maa Brahmacharini is the second manifestation of Maa Durga who is worshiped on the second day of Navratri. Here word “Brahm” refers to “Tapa”. So Brahmcharini means Tapa Charini – The one who perform Tapa or penance. It is Said that the “Vedas”, “Tatva” & “Tapa” are synonyms of word “Brahm”. The form of Brahmacharini is tremendously effulgent and extremely majestic.
She holds a rosary in her right hand and Kamandalu in her left. SHE personifies love and loyalty. Mata Bhramacharni is store-house of knowledge and wisdom. Rudraksha is HER most adorned ornament. When she was incarnated as the daughter of Himalaya, then influenced by the instructions of Devrishi Narada, she practiced very hard penances in order to obtain Lord Shiva as her divine consort. Due to her unearthly penances she was termed as Brahmacharini. She spent one thousand years, only on fruits and beet-roots. One hundred years she spent only by eating leafy vegetables. For a sufficient perfiod of time observing complete fast she suffered tormenting of nature like torrential rains and scorching sun and biting cold, under the open sky. After such a difficult routine she lived only on dry Bilva pattaras (leaves) fallen on the ground for three thousand years. She kept her engrossed for twenty-four hours in worshiping Lord Shiva. After that she gave up eating even these dry leaves. For several thousand years she went on without any food and water. Because she gave up eating dry Bilva leaves so she was known to be Aparna as one of her epithets.
After the hardship of penance for several thousand years her body became extremely lean and thin. She was reduced to skeleton only. Her penance, sharpened as it was, caused great disturbance in all the three worlds. The whole universe was shaken. The Gods, the Rishis, the Siddhas, the Munis all eulogized her penance as an unprecedented virtuous action. Ultimately Lord Brahma through an oracle addressed her and said to her in a very pleasant manner-O Goddess, so far nobody has ever practiced such an austere penance. Only you could have done it. This wonderful deed is being praised in all the four quarters. Your desire would be fulfilled. You will decidedly get Lord Shiva as your divine consort. Now stop your penance and go home. Your father would be shortly coming to take you back.
Brahmacharini Durga is capable of providing unending benefits. By worshiping her the person inculcates penancing, renouncing, dispassion, ethical conduct and restraint in himself. Even in the most critical periods of struggle the mind remains unshaken and he does not deviate from the path of duty. By the grace of mother Brahmacharini he gets success and victory always and everywhere. On the second day of Navratri Durga Pooja it is the Brahmacharini aspect of mother Goddess Durga that is worshipped. This way the mind of the striver moving upward is established in Swadhisthana Chakra. The Yogi, who makes his mind stay in this Chakra gets the devotion and blessings of the Goddess.