Monday, October 12, 2009

Children's wallets grow fast

The survey, titled New Generations 2009, enclosed children aged 7 to 14 years with one of the parents in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Ludhiana, Jaipur, Lucknow, Guwahati, Nashik, Indore, Kochi, and Madurai. specially made to TNS India, the survey interviewed 3,431 children belonging to mid- to high-income families in July-August this year.

Nearly 40 per cent parents with 7 to 14 year-old children gave pocket money to their young, up from 36 per cent in 2008 and 32 per cent in 2006

Markedly, more than 60 per cent of the children said they have saved some part of the money received, with nearly half of them choosing to save in their piggy banks; 31 per cent trusted their parents to safe keep their allowances while 10 per cent chose to deposit in a savings account.

Duncan Morris, vice president (research and market development) at Turner International Asia Pacific, said "It was amazing to see a go up in pocket money, but we found that parents were enthusiastic to cut back on family expenditures like holidays rather than take money away from their children."

Spending on toys, games and clothes for the child too remained unaffected with 47 per cent parents willing to spend the same as they did last year, and nearly 20 per cent claimed that they would spend more on their children this year. In fact, the parents are raring to go to indulge on laptops and gaming systems for their teenage children.

This  research also illustrious that 93 per cent of the Indian homes had a mobile phone, placing them ahead of Japanese households with 89 per cent having a mobile phone. Of these, 63 per cent kids (7 to 14 years of age) used the mobile phone at least once a week. Even as mobile phones become pervasive, TV remains as the most preferred medium, with 92 per cent of children watching daily.

Unavoidably, the virtual world has an important role to play for the younger generation. Mumbai children topped the list of being internet savvy, with 22 per cent owning internet connections on their PCs, but Delhi scored higher in terms of the number of computers. The survey also estimates that 49 per cent of the children have used a computer in the past one month and more than half of the children who surf the internet played online games besides spending time on social networking sites.

Advertising is a Magical Art Form of Human Pshycology

Advertising ,I am very familiar its impact and concern.This art from has been my cup of tea during my Master Advertising & Public Relation.These time every moment of life i live my life with thorough experience and comprehensive knowledge on various types and kinds of advertising.Means its an essential part of my life during my Master.I have been so used to it and have embraced such as its becomes my passion and profession in different form of profession.

The word advertising  is derivative from the Latin word "advertiser" which figuratively means to sell.It is also mention as the paid from of communication by an identified sponsor which seeks to promote and sell the qualities of any products whether -goods or services, through various uncontrolled  media with the goal of creating a favorable consumer buying behavior .

Advertising uses a paid communication medium. It gets through different mass media channels in reaching its target audiences and clientele. The products and services may be seen advertised and promoted via television, radio, print, and the most widely used, the Internet.

The art of selling through advertising gives benefits to a wide variety of individuals, institutions, agencies and business sectors. These may be the consumers, customers, clients, retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers, government entities, and other marketing or commercialized agencies.

More so, the key concept for advertising is the power to convince… persuasion. The people behind such ads should always bear in mind these strong ideas: make them read, learn, believe, get persuaded, and act necessarily.